Listed below are a few of the most common dishwasher faults, an explanation of what might be causing the problem and how to fix it.
A. If you have noticed a leak from your dishwasher the first thing to check is the door gasket as these can wear with time. You can check to see if this is indeed the cause of the trouble yourself. Open the dishwasher door and inspect the door seal. If it is in good condition it should feel soft and resilient with no bulges. A damaged seal will be hard, cracked or look worn in appearance and will need to be replaced.
Dishwasher door gaskets are not the only cause of leaks. If your gasket is in good condition it could be that the door latch needs to be adjusted. It could also be that one of the dishwasher hose clamps or the hose itself needs to be replaced.
A. This could be due to a number of things including the dishwasher pump which is responsible for ejecting water from the appliance. The pump is made up of several parts so detecting the defective element can be difficult and often involves disassembling the pump or replacing the whole unit. This is a more difficult repair.
Other problems that can cause a dishwasher to retain water include a fault with the motor that is preventing it from turning on the drain valve flap, this may have become stuck. If unsure it may be best to consult a repair professional.
A. This is likely to be due to a fault with the heating element. If the heating element has burnt out then it will need to be replaced. The fault could also be caused by a faulty thermostat, which is used to control the temperature. If either part has failed they need to be replaced. When purchasing a spare part we suggest you filter your search by your appliances model number to ensure the part will fit.
A. This can often be a simple problem to solve such as a clogged strainer, which can cause the dishwasher to flood. Try cleaning the strainer, to do this you will need to remove it from the appliance. If this resolves the problem remember to clean the strainer regularly or ideally after each load of dishes.
A. This is a common problem that is usually caused by the force of jamming back in fully loaded racks. The impact can damage the dishwasher wheels that enable the racks to slide freely out for loading/unloading. Fortunately this is one of the easiest dishwasher repairs to carry out.
For tips on loading your dishwasher view our article, How Should I Load my Dishwasher for Best Results?
Whilst, for a guide to the programme cycle on a dishwashers view our What Happens on a Dishwasher Washing Cycle article.* All information provided is a guide only. BuySpares accepts no liability for any problems occurred while attempting any advice shown. If in any doubt contact a qualified repair service.