Safety advice and product recalls

    When manufacturers identify a safety issue on one of their products they will often issue a safety warning or recall but often it is easy to miss this and as a result not all recalled products are reworked to make safe.

    For information on how to tackle and resolve faults and problems on a wide range of appliances see our other articles »

    In some cases you may have not bought the product yourself directly but received it as a gift or when you moved into a new house or bought second hand.

    If this is the case the product may have already had the problem rectified, however for peace of mind and for safety sake it is still worth phoning the help line to check this out.

    Listed below are some of the safety warnings and product recalls relating to domestic and home appliances.

    In most cases the manufacturer or retailer will have a help line to arrange the necessary action to correct any related problem.

    By keeping them in one easy to find place it is hoped to improve on the percentage of these products that are either replaced or the problem rectified.

    Each article will have a brief description of the problem, a suggested course of action and if appropriate contact numbers and links to further information to resolve the safety issue.

    Tumble dryers

    * All information provided is a guide only. BuySpares accepts no liability for any problems occurred while attempting any advice shown. If in any doubt contact a qualified repair service.