How to Cure a Smelly Vacuum Cleaner

    There are several possible causes of unpleasant smells from your vacuum, including a full bag, dirty filters and dirty hoses, tools and attachments. Find out how to rectify these issues by watching this video.

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    Video Transcript:
    How to Cure a Smelly Vacuum Cleaner

    Welcome to Buyspares, this video will show you how to cure a smelly vacuum.

    Before replacing a part in any electrical appliance must ensure that be appliance is first unplugged from the mains.

    There are several possible causes of unpleasant smells from your vacuum, Including a full bag, dirty filters and dirty hoses, tools and attachments.

    The most common reason is a full bag you shouldn't wait for the bag to be complete full before emptying it.

    Otherwise dirt will sit in it for longer and allow smells to build up. Instead try to empty the bag on a regular basis.

    Vacuum bag are generally available as disposable paper bags or reuseable cloth bags.

    If yours uses a cloth bag and is particularly smelly it may be best to replace it.

    If your vacuum is a bag less vacuum make sure the container is emptied on a regular basis.

    The next most common cause the bad smells is the filter.

    Most vacuums have two, a pre motor filter which stops dust and other harmful particles getting into the appliance and causing damage.

    And a post motor filter which stop bad smells from leaving the vacuum and recirculating around the room.

    Sponge or woven filters are generally reusable and can be washed in warm water and wrung out.

    Do make sure they left to dry thoroughly before being replaced in the vacuum and they will need to be replaced after a few washes.

    However some vacuums use paper filters which and be washed and will need to be replaced each time.

    Next examine the vacuum's hose.

    If there is any debris trapped in it this can cause smells to build up as well as effecting the vacuum suction for clear the hose of any trap material using a broom handle or wire coat hanger.

    If the hose is fully plastic further eliminate bad smells by leaving it to soak in warm soapy water.

    You can also treat vacuum attachment in the time manner.

    Any metal parts on the hose attachment my rust in warm water.

    So it's best to spray them with disinfectant and wipe clean.

    When you've got your vacuum smelling clean again try using our Buyspares vacuum cleaner air freshener.

    To give a pleasant to your home as you actually use your vacuum.

    Thanks for watching.

    * All information provided is a guide only. BuySpares accepts no liability for any problems occurred while attempting any advice shown. If in any doubt contact a qualified repair service.